We analyze the multiplayer Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Battlefield garden
Despite all the experiments with mechanics Call of Duty , With all sorts of double jumps, running along the walls and other "dynamic" chips, Infinity Ward , Judging by the special order of the multiplayer, I decided not to step forward, but almost ten years ago. Return to the pace and speeds of the original parts Modern Warfare. And this, damn it, cool! TTK (Time to Kill – time for murder) returned to the old value, and with it the regeneration of health. From the side, the game is felt almost as great as the original, then still fresh and breakthrough Call of Duty 4.
Perhaps this is what pleases the most.
Yes, Metallica really plays in the trailer
More modes to the god of regimes!
Instead of making the third remaster Modern Warfare, the studio decided to experiment a little like Dice Once with Bad Company 2. By the variety of modes, the impression is that Infinity Ward decided to go v-bank and try themselves in all possible directions. Now on servers (depending on the format) are placed twelve, twenty and even forty people. By the standards of Call of Duty, the matches “20 to 20” are just a crowd, therefore, for crowded battles, the corresponding cards were prepared, moreover, with Kilstriki in the form of a controlled ground transport. Other modes are mainly classic COD: good old “command battle”, “dominance” and “staff”. In the first two, it will definitely be possible to play in any format, but the gameplay of the “headquarters” on a large map has not yet been shown … And it is not the fact that it will be at all.
Team battle
Such a noticeable increase in the maximum of players is an expressive curtsy towards a long -suffering Battlefield, Which is now not at all very. Call of Duty Slowly but surely goes into the field of mass battles with technology, threatening Batle with the loss of the audience, which already managed to thin. Competition is good, especially when one of the opponents can not figure out his own game.
Fight on a large card Aniyah Palace
In addition to classical modes, two new ones are waiting for us, who have every chance of falling in love with the public. The first is “fire contact”: the battle “2 to 2”, where the equipment equipment changes in each round. There is no automatic restoration of health, so any mistake can lead to defeat, and good communication with a partner can ensure an unconditional victory. If the round is dragged out, the flag appears in the center of the card: its capture serves as a tie-break.
This regime has already been shown. So far, three cards have been announced for him – King, Pine and Stack
The second is called "cyber attack", and it is a kind of hybrid "find and destroy" and "sabotage" – it is well suited for e -sports. The attackers need to capture the emi-random and lay it at the Date Center of the Defenders; If it is torn, then, as they say, Terrorists Win. The defenders need to either kill all opponents, or neutralize the bomb. There are no revival, but the fallen allies can be resurrected. The main thing is not to catch the bullet at the same time.
In addition, some modes will have a modification of “realism”, where the interface elements are almost completely absent. Killed? Not killed? You need to go and check, the "running line" with fragments did not give out. At the Infinity Ward multiplayer showed the gameplay of “realism” in a night card (by the way, different variations of the time of day seemed to be among most cards).
In addition to these modes, developers promise something monstrous: battles with a hundred players on one server. The format will be called the "ground war", and, unfortunately, this is all that is known about it: at least from the confirmed sources. The game director of the game assures that the regime will not become a “royal battle”, and we can only wait for new information. Fights "50 to 50" (or even more) on huge cards! In Call of Duty! Eh, poor Battlefield ..
Modern Warfare at it’s finest
Of course, these are not all the differences of restarting from previous games. The lack of radar is immediately striking; Now it is displayed only when a friendly drone soars in the air (a classic reward for a series of murders). The rest of the time you have to navigate the compass in the upper part of the screen and sound.
In general, awards for a series of murders in Modern Warfare promise a lot. The brightest of those showed: an armored personnel carrier, designed for two players – a driver and a machine gunner (and hello again, Battlefield!), the aircraft of fire support AS-130 and a set of armor "Jaggernaut". Minigan and a metal soundtrack, screaming on the whole card, while you are inhabiting justice, are https://casper-spins-casino.co.uk/ attached. Effective, however.
Another innovation concerns the equipment of fighters: the gunsmith system, which replaced Pick 10 from past games, allows you to calibrate weapons in detail – both visually and gameplay. Now on each gun you can hang up to five modules, including handles, sights, trunks, butt, shops and under -barrel gadgets; The same "Kalashnikov" can be safely remade either to the RPK or to the AKS submachine gun. Each of the modules has both positive and negative effects, but no one forbids to take some weapon perk instead that will improve the characteristics of weapons without any fines.
Almost all the weapons presented at the multiplayer show
The equipment returned to the relatively classic model Modern Warfare. The main weapon, secondary, three perks, murder gadget and tactical gadget. And in addition, a special device: a small “ultimate”, which is charged over time. It can be a bag with cartridges or, for example, intelligence gyrocopter. Unfortunately, the developers did not really tell how they work, but they can be seen in gameplay rollers.
You can also choose the appearance of a soldier from the proposed operatives of different departments. Cosmetic trifle, but nice
Well, most importantly: now you have two whole ways to run quickly! The usual endless sprint and an even faster, but short -term “super -sprint” (yes, it is called). And your fighter will now be able to look out of the shelter. Go to any corner, aim, click the corresponding button – and you will hide most of the body from the shots. I wonder if it will take root in the multiplayer.
In the meantime, the release only looms in the distance, it remains to wait for the start of beta testing. The first wave will be held from September 12 to 16 exclusively for those who pretended the game on PlayStation 4 ; other participants will gain access only on the 14th. The second wave starts both for PlayStation 4, and for PC with Xbox One : it will pass from 19 to September 23, but without pre-order you can join the test only on the 21st.
By the way, in the second wave, the developers will test the cross -play, so you can play with friends, even if you are on a PC, and they are on the console. The game will spread through the PC Battle.Net.